1. Joe Pavona called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm. In attendance were Jill Garnett, Carol Chapman, Sean Looman, and Cindy Carson.
  2. Approval of Minutes

Approval of the March 16, 2022, Minutes will be tabled until the next Board meeting as a quorum is not present.

  1. Reports

Treasurer:  Sean reported that there are currently 10 members who have not current with their dues; 6 have not yet paid for the current year (2021/22) and 4 who are in arrears for the prior year(s) as well as the current year.  Sean also provided reports for both the legal and general fund accounts.  Following discussion, approval of the report was tabled until next meeting due to the lack of a quorum.

LINC:  Cindy reported on updates from LINC.  LINC is requesting an updated Homeowners’ Contact List from participating neighborhoods.  Trader Joe’s Store of 25,000 square feet is planned for Northwind Farms.  Pat Jackson is serving as new Township Supervisor.  Road/bridge construction on Okemos Rd. resulting in backed up traffic on Dobie Road and north lane closures on Okemos Rd. from Mt. Hope to Grand River is scheduled to be completed in November.  Concerns about Wardcliff School’s state of irrepair and the Township’s proposal to build a new school in a different location were discussed.  Next LINC meeting is May 19, 2022.

Membership:  N/A

Maintenance:  Joe P reported that prices are up this year with our lawn service contractor Lawns and More (20-25%) as well as with our lawn irrigation system contractor Redwood Landscaping (6-12%).  Both contractors reported that this is primarily a direct result of increase materials and labor costs.  Joe also reported that he is finalizing pricing for this year’s improvement project of landscaping for the new island on Sequoia and finishing up the tree work at the neighborhood entrance.  Joe will report back to the Board for final approval once pricing is secured.

Webmaster:  N/A

  1. Old Business

Hannah Farms Update:  Joe P reports no new activity at Hannah Farms.

Surface Water Concerns & Lake Levee:  Joe reports that he continues to stay in contact with the Township, our County Commissioner and the Drain Commissioner’s office regarding our concerns and awaiting feedback from the February meeting on possible next steps in addressing those concerns.

Garage Sale Follow Up:  N/A

Mosquito Study:  N/A

  1. New Business

Zimmer/McPherson Offer: N/A

Annual Meeting:  Discussion/decision tabled due to a lack of quorum.

  1. Next Meeting: June 9, 2022, at 7 pm.
  2. Adjournment: Cindy moved, and Sean seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 8:42 pm.