1. The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Joe Pavona. In attendance were Sean Looman, Cindy Carson, Carol Chapman, Katie McPherson, Sue Webster, Jill Garnett, and Joe Pavona.
  2. Approval of Minutes
  • Minutes from the March 16, 2022, meeting were approved with a motion by Sean Looman and a second by Sue Webster.
  • Minutes from the April 28, 2022, meeting were approved with a motion by Jill Garnett and a second by Sean Looman.
  1. Reports

June 20, 2022, Executive Committee Meeting:  Joe Pavona summarized the activities of the meeting as outlined in the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes.  This included the plantings for the new island on Sequoia Trail; the removal of trees at ILE entrance; and, resynchronizing the annual meeting and election with the fiscal year and consistent with previous years and the Bylaws but recently disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.  Katie McPherson moved approval of the Executive Committee actions and Sue Webster seconded.  The motion was unanimously approved.

Treasurer:  Sean Looman provided written reports for both the Operating and Legal Accounts for the period ending July 31, 2022.  Both accounts were in balance.  Sean also noted that expenses in all areas have been on the rise and that we may have to consider requesting an increase in annual dues in the not-too-distant future.  Our last increase occurred in 2018 when the annual dues went from $100 to $125.

LINC:  Cindy Carson reported that there was no new information from LINC.

Membership:  Katie McPherson reported that last year’s Three Days of Fall was a positive experience for the neighborhood and recommended a similar event this year but moving the date up from November to October and limiting it to one major activity instead of the 3 from last year.  After much discussion, the Board agreed to sponsor a cider and donuts neighborhood family gathering on Sunday October 2, 2022, from 1 to 3 pm at Mohican Park.  The Board also approved the purchase of a new sign to announce neighborhood events as the old sign is now in significant disrepair.

Maintenance:  Joe Pavona reported that the tree work at the entrance has been completed and the plantings for the new island on Sequoia Trail will be installed in early fall.  Joe also reported that a fallen tree at the back of Mohican Park had also been taken care of.

Webmaster:  Shiny Imberman shared her thoughts on the ILEHA website.  Due to on-going maintenance issues with the current service provider, shiny proposed changing to a different design firm.  Shiny will be sending various examples to the Board members for their consideration.  Following the review, the Board will further discuss options at a future meeting.

  1. Old Business

Hannah Farms Update:  Joe Pavona reported that the status remains unchanged since the last meeting.

Surface Water; Lake Levee Update:  Joe Pavona reported that he met on August 26th with our Ingham County Commissioner Mark Polsdorfer, Ingham County Deputy Drain Commissioner Carla Clos, a representative from our State Representative Julie Brixie’s office, and two representatives from the Ingham County Drain Commissioner’s maintenance staff to discuss the Indian Lake Levee. The meeting took place on-site. After a demonstration on how the levee gate and backflow mechanism work and inspection of the levee and the embankment on which it was built, it was decided that professional engineering and land surveying services be retained to provide an accurate assessment of the condition of the levee and what needs to be done to bring the levee up to current standards and reduce the risk of failure due to age.  Additionally, Representative Brixie has agreed to work with us and try and secure funding for the study as funds are limited thru the drain commissioner’s office.

Mosquito Study:  Nothing new to report currently.

  1. New Business

2022/23 Budget: The proposed operating budget for FY 2022/23 was reviewed and discussed.  Sean moved acceptance of the proposed budget and Cindy Carson seconded.  The budget was unanimously approved.

  1. Next Meeting: September 28, 2022, at 7 pm.
  2. Adjournment: Katie moved and Jill seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.