1. Joe Pavona called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. In attendance were Joe Tonnos, Jill Garnett, Sean Looman, Joe Pavona, and Cindy Carson.
  2. Approval of Minutes
  • Joe Tonnos moved approval of the Minutes from the December 7, 2022, meeting and Jill Garnett seconded. The Minutes were approved.
  1. Reports

Treasurer:  Sean provided written reports for both the Operating and Legal Accounts for the period ending January 31, 2923.  Both accounts were in balance.  Sean noted that given it is the winter months, there is not much activity; only the final bill for fall clean up by the lawn service contractor and Consumers Energy electrical bills.  The report was unanimously approved.

LINC:  Cindy reports that LINC was meeting tonight at the same time as our ILEHA Board meeting and therefore she was unable to join the LINC meeting.  Cindy forwarded minutes, meeting dates and time from previous meetings along with LINC contact info.  Cindy reminded that LINC membership dues are now due.  Treasurer Looman will issue payment.

Membership:  N/A

Maintenance:  Joe P. reported there has been no activity since final fall clean up and winterization of lawn irrigation systems at the entrance and Mohican Park.

Webmaster:  As a follow up to our last Board meeting, Joe T. facilitate a meeting with a local IT contractor (Smart Homes, Inc./Smart Offices of Mason, Mich) and our Board website work group (Joe T, Sean, and Joe P).  A scope of work has been agreed upon that includes a rebuilding of the site as well as price options.  The contractor is currently working on various alternatives that will be presented to the Board for review and before moving forward with a scope of work.

  1. Old Business

Hannah Farms Update:  Joe P reports that there is currently no activity or new information since the last meeting per Joe’s discussion with Dan Opsommer, Deputy Township Manager.

Surface Water and Lakes Levee Update:  Joe P reports that he has been notified by Ingham County Commissioner Mark Polsdofer that ILEHA did not receive the state infrastructure grant that we applied for to conduct a study of the Indian Lake Levee.  Mr. Polsdofer further reported that no applicants from Ingham County received grants.  Mr. Polsdofer is now exploring the possibility of securing funding thru the federal government and Senator Gary Peter’s office.  Mr. Polsdofer promises that no stone will be left unturned.

Property Liens:  Sean and Joe P reported that 5 liens have been filed on ILE parcels for non-payment of previous years ILEHA dues.  Several notices are sent to delinquent homeowners over a minimum of 18 months that include an option to make arrangements if payment is not possible at that time.  Failure to respond with payment or make other arrangements results in the filing of the liens.

  1. New Business

ILEHA Website:  The Board website work group provided an overview of the meeting with Smart Homes/Smart Offices including recommendations and associated costs (about $1700) from the contractor on how best to proceed given our needs and resources.  After much discussion Sean moved that we move forward with the website project and utilize the funds we typically set aside for our annual project to cover project costs.  Jill seconded.  The motion was unanimously approved.

  1. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be April 4, 2023, at 7 pm.

  1. Adjournment

Joe T moved and Jill seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm