1. Joe Pavona called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm. In attendance were Joe Tonnos, Jill Garnett, Sean Looman, Katie McPherson, Cindy Carson, and Joe Pavona.


  1. Approval of Minutes
  • The Minutes of the April 4, 2023, meeting were approved: Joe Tonnos moved approval; Jill seconded the motion.


  1. Reports

Treasurer:  Sean provided written reports for both the Operating and Legal Accounts for the period ending March 31, 2023.  Both accounts were in balance.  Following discussion, Katie moved to approve the report and Joe Tonnos seconded.  The report was approved.

LINC:  Cindy reported no LINC update at this time.

Membership:  Katie reported that she convened a group of ILEHA homeowners to discuss possible neighborhood social activities for the upcoming year.  Those homeowners included Grace Spalding, Amy Simon, Megan Loughlin-Krusky.  The group recommended a series of events starting with a movie night on May 13, 2023.  Additionally, they recommended a Summer Send-off Neighborhood Block Party on August 19th and our Annual Donuts and Cider Event on October 1st.  Following discussion, the Board unanimously approved the group’s recommendation.

Maintenance:  Joe Pavona reported that in addition to spring cleanup and the mowing season starting, the light on the entrance sign had to be repaired. The total cost of the repair was $185.  Additionally, we will again this year wait until after the spring blossoms, etc. have fallen from the trees before we have fresh mulch installed at the entrance.  We have learned from prior years that if the new mulch is put in place too early, it will be covered with shedding from the trees.  It is anticipated the mulch will be installed in the first part of June.

Webmaster:  Joe T, Sean, and Joe P report work continues on the website rebuild.  See website project update under Old Business for more information.


  1. Old Business

Hannah Farms Update:  Joe P reported that there has been no change since the last update.

Surface Water/Lake Levee Update: Joe P reported that he continues to work with our County Commissioner, the Township, and the County Drain Commissioner’s Office on options for both the long-term management of surface water in ILE and securing funding for an engineering study on the lake levee.  Constant advocacy will be needed as we continue to move forward with these very important ILE issues. 

Property Liens/Non-Payment of Dues:  Of the 5 liens filed, 3 have been cleared and 2 remain.  Additionally, there are currently 11 homeowners who have not yet paid their 2022/23 dues which were billed in May 2022.  Their balances will be reflected in the upcoming mailing of 2023/24 dues billings.  If they are not paid by September 1, 2023, liens will be filed on the respective properties.

Website Project Update:  Joe T, Sean, and Joe P continue to work with our contractor, Smart Homes/Smart Offices on the upgrade of our website.  The schedule currently calls for a final draft version of the rebuild to be ready for full Board review at our next meeting on May 23, 2023.


  1. New Business

Annual Meeting/Dues Mailing/ Election:  Following discussion, the Board approved June 7, 2023, as the date for this year’s annual homeowners’ meeting.  It was also decided that we would return to gathering in-person.  Carol Chapman has agreed to confirm if we can meet again at the Okemos Community Church.  Joe P and Sean will prepare the mailing.

New Directory:  Katie will be contacting all members to confirm/secure information for producing a new directory.  Our goal will be to have it ready for distribution later this summer.


  1. Next Meeting

The next ILEHA Board meeting will be May 23, 2023, at 7 pm.


  1. Adjournment

Katie moved and Sean seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 9:22 pm